Poo Poo Point

Once again we took a hike just to see nothing. Fortunately on this occasion the hike was a 4 miles round trip one. We made 1:30 to the top, so it wasn't that bad.

The original plan was to go and hike on the dark to catch the sunrise. Then I learned that night and dawn are the times when cougars are the most active. With a mere party of two, I opted to miss the sunrise :) After not being able to see anything, I'm glad that we didn't hike in the dark to see nothing!

The parking lot was about 90% full at 7:20. The hike was snow and frost free, although there were some muddy sections here and there.

The best part was mostly at the beginning, you could see a small creek/waterfall on the uphill side

We made it to the top and were prepared to spend some time there in the cold. We brought quits and the stove to make a hot chocolate and some oatmeal!

On the way out, almost at the trailhead I twisted my ankle. I barely rolled it over but I heard it pop. It was incredibly painful. I went and had it checked today. I just sprained it, but at some point I broke it and didn't notice. The RX showed an old fracture. What's wrong with my ankles!?